About Green Wall
Most industry professionals lack sufficient cybersecurity consciousness to effectively manage resources and combat modern cyber threats. Blind reliance on a single employee or outside vendor to protect digital assets is an unnecessary vulnerability, as a single cyber-attack can fatally wound any business.
Designed for non-technology professionals
Designed for non-technology professionals, Green Wall educates its participants in both a physical and virtual environment on current threats, cybersecurity defenses, cyber insurance, and incident response practices in a cost and time-efficient manner. Within 5 days, participants emerge equipped with information and asset awareness to make strategic financial and liability mitigation decisions about technology practices.
University cybersecurity programs require a five-figure payment and multi-year commitment to a static curriculum rooted in theory in exchange for a certificate or degree. Green Wall foregoes traditional certifications, alternatively focused on equipping its participants with the knowledge and confidence to manage real events that threaten their organizations.
Green Wall regularly updates its curriculum to reflect on-going cybersecurity trends, delivering pragmatic solutions to mitigate cyber liability over five (5) days. With consistent research on industry and legal developments, Green Wall students learn pragmatic solutions to technology issues from a seasoned and nationally-recognized cybersecurity attorney and technology speaker, Sarah Anderson.